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Eco Council

The aim of the Eco Council is to spread awareness of environmental issues and help lead the way in maintaining and developing the school environment.  The Eco Council is made up of one child from each year group who attend regular meetings.  The Eco Warriors have recently been involved in litter picks around the school environment, car counts to monitor the traffic outside school and creating posters to promote recycling and saving electricity across school.  Linking with their learning in science, the Eco Council have taken a lead in adopting endangered animals, raising the profile of conservation efforts globally. 

Meet our new Eco Council for 2022 - 2023

Eco Schools

Through our ongoing work to protect and improve the environment, the Eco-Council are working towards becoming an Eco-School. The Eco-Schools programme provides a simple, seven-step framework that empowers young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond. The Eco-Council are working through the seven steps in order to gain accreditation as an Eco-School. 

Click the image to view the Eco-Schools website. 

Click here to find out what we are doing at Stowlawn to earn the Eco-Schools accrediation. 

Community Work 

The Eco-warriors are committed to improving not only the school environment, but the local area too.  Litter is an issue locally and something the children would like to improve.  The Eco-Council have taken part in a community litter pick, where they collected six full bags of litter from the paths, bushes and grassed areas surrounding school.  Not only have they reduced the amount of litter, but also raised the profile of keeping our community tidy and how it is the responsibility of us all.


We believe in reducing waste, whilst supporting families within school. Our latest initiative involves opening a second-hand uniform swap shop, where families can donate and receive uniform items for free. It is important that everyone has access to affordable clothing, especially when it comes to school uniform. Our hope is that this initiative will not only save families money but also promote sustainability by reducing waste.

Wear It Wild Day 2023!

Wear it Wild Day is an annual fundraising event. It takes place every year with people across the country wearing an item of wildlife-inspired clothing to raise money to help protect our world’s incredible wildlife.

This year our Eco-Council organised a fun-filled day of events and learning.  All pupils took part in an assembly led by the WWF, had the opportunity to dress up as an animal or in animal print, had their faces painted as their favourite animal, competed in a spelling bee, took part in an endangered animal-themed quiz and donated 1p and 2p coins, which were used to create a giant orangutan and then donated to this wonderful cause.

Click the icon to view our 
assembly for
Wear It Wild Day!

Click the icon to view the WWF website promoting Wear It Wild Day!


Click the icon to see what fun activities the children took part in during Wear it Wild 2023

Eco Clubs 

As part of our extra-curricular activities, pupils form Early Years and Key Stage 1 have had the opportunity to be involved in a range of environmental activities.  These have not only raised the children’s awareness, but also attracted new wildlife to the school environment.  Children have made bird feeders, looked at wildlife in the school environment and kept the school grounds litter free through regular litter picks.

 The children made bird    feeders when learning    about local wildlife    .
Gardening Club

Working to educate our youngest children about the environment, the children in Gardening Club have learned about planting seeds and what they need to help plants grow. They have planted sunflowers and tomatoes and have enjoyed watching them grow.  They have also designed their own gardens, thinking about how they can improve the local environment.

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