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Parent Support

This page contains information and links to several local initiatives in and around the Wolverhampton area that parents and families can access to gain further support, if they are experiencing difficulty.


Wolverhampton City Council have a fantastic page set up that focuses on health and wellbeing initiatives in the city. They say:


A range of different and connected factors influence our health and wellbeing:


We want everyone in the City of Wolverhampton to live longer and have a good quality of life.


To achieve this, we are supporting people to make healthy life choices and working with our partners to focus on improvements to the wider factors that impact on peoples' lives, such as education, access to jobs and skills, housing, our environment, and feeling safe and involved in our local community.



Wolverhampton City Council also offer a range of services for children and their families, including information on local food banks.

Click the image for a bank of resources for children with a range of special needs, complex learning difficulties and disabilities.

Click the image for a forum of support for parents provided by parents of children with special educational needs.

Local Charities 

Below are a handful of local charities that aim to support residents of Wolverhampton through a variety of services and guidance.


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