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Personal Development

Personal Development Statement 

The personal development of pupils at Stowlawn Primary School is at the centre of our school ethos.  By nurturing our children’s personal development skills, we strive to prepare them for their adult lives, teaching them to understand how to engage with society and providing them with plentiful opportunities to do so.   


Our curriculum extends beyond the academic and supports pupils to develop in many diverse aspects of life.  We aim to provide the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, preparing pupils for their adult lives, teaching them to understand how to engage with society and providing them with plentiful opportunities to do so.  


We offer opportunities for pupils to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.  


Pupil Development Passports
We are excited to share with you our new Personal Development Passport. This is a series of 49 carefully selected activities, and experiences, that we will provide for the children during their time at Stowlawn. The passport will go through school with the children, with a new set of experiences each year.
Each activity has been designed to develop the children’s personal skills, whilst helping to build their general knowledge, develop their character and prepare them for life beyond primary school. There are seven activities for each year group from Reception to Year 6. Each time the children complete one of the items on their passport, they will receive a gold star to record their achievement.  When the children leave us, they will have learned so much through our rich and varied curriculum and through the other opportunities they receive.  The Personal Development Passport is an excellent way to celebrate this, and the experiences will give the children plenty of memories to treasure and talk about for years to come.


Excellence in Pupil Development

At Stowlawn Primary School, we are committed to the personal development of all of our children. We strive to equip our pupils with the personal skills that will prepare them for their future lives in an increasingly complex world. Actively developing pupils’ life skills so that they can be critical thinkers, creative, tolerant and empathetic people are necessary characteristics for citizens of our modern society.


We are delighted to announce that, in September 2022, we were the first school in Wolverhampton to be awarded the Excellence in Pupil Development Award. This external accreditation was awarded to us for demonstrating a commitment to strengthening the school's provision to support pupils' personal development. Through achieving this award, we have offered pupils the opportunity to develop positive behaviours including:


  • Self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Self-discipline, responsibility and resilience

  • Pride in learning

  • Goal-setting and ambition


Through gaining this award, alongside our everyday practise, we support our children in becoming responsible citizens, embed the skills and knowledge for personal development into the curriculum, continue to set high behaviour expectations and make local partnerships and links with external organisations.


"Pupils are encouraged to flourish and develop a wide range of interests."

Andy Taylor
Lead Inspector  
"Wellbeing and personal development have been woven into the school's curriculum and its wider offer."


Click the photo to read the Wolverhampton City Council press release for our award!

Personal Development Year Group Overviews

These overviews encompass all aspects of the personal development curriculum and are mapped for each individual year group. They give a clear overview of of what children will learn in all aspects of the personal development curriculum.


Assemblies for Personal Development and Enrichment Days
Here is an overview for the assemblies we deliver in school covering a range of different topics and themes:


Key areas within Personal Development

The curriculum areas below are key components of supporting and nurturing a child's personal development. Please click the buttons for more information on how these areas are taught in school.


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